Re: attached vs detached
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 04:01:27 -0700 (PDT)

On Jul 2, 2007, at 2:07 PM, James Kacki wrote:

Does being so close cause
interpersonal or societal conflicts that might not arise in detached
housing. (I understand the green (environmental) and energy advantages
of single building construction, but this question is about the
interpersonal implications). Anyone in that type of co-housing care to

Good acoustics is important of units are attached. Dump money into those walls.

And have play areas for older kids away from living areas.

Otherwise, the proximity is nice. I don't have to charge across a lawn to pop in to my neighbor's house. I can go see any one of upwards of 50 people or go to the CH without trudging in the rain. I think about that when I look at site plans with single family or two family units spread out all over the place. How does it affect their relationship to the common house? To the people at the other end?

Even in buildings that were not cohousing, I had closer relationships with people on my floor than with any of my neighbors in detached housing neighborhoods I've lived in. All these buildings had rules about what could be done and what couldn't be done -- like leaving your things in the hallways or what you could store on a balcony. Frankly, I wish we had more of these and there would be fewer conflicts.

But you can't have relationship without conflict. And no matter how far apart the houses are, you can still see them. And hear them. I don't think detached houses are a solution to conflict.

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing
Washington DC

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