Re: Common House Size
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 17:34:40 -0700 (PDT)

How big is yours and how many households do you have?

I would say that more important than size is to leave the space flexible until you learn how you really use it. People think they will really use a meditation room or a workshop or a dance and yoga room and too often they don't.

Unless they are actually using such a room before they move in, it is unlikely that they will use it after move-in. The fantasy is that we would do it if only we had the space. The reality, after working with artists for 25 years, is that if you want to do it, you make the space. If you haven't made the space so far, you are unlikely to use it when someone gives it to you.

I've seen exhibiting professional artists who worked in a corner of a dining room on a table 2 x3 feet painting flowers on a shelf beside her table. A painter doing 5 foot square paintings on the wall above his bed -- a mattress on the floor. He had his finished paintings stored hanging from the ceiling, using a complicated system of ropes to get them up there horizontally against the ceiling. Since he lived in Manhattan, his bedroom was one of two rooms in the apartment -- the other was a kitchen/bath.

So space is not the issue -- it's how you really use it.

I wonder if temporary walls are a good in between solution? Or building part of the building with room to expand? (And the money included in the original budget and saved.)

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing,Washington DC

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