Re: Developer Driven Cohousing
From: dahako (
Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 03:55:19 -0700 (PDT)

Footpath Cohousing in Durham, NC, is following a similar path, I think.

Jessie Handforth Kome
Eastern Village Cohousing
Silver Spring, MD 20910
"Where our Communications Team doesn't want us to miss a thing."



-----Original Message-----
From: Sally Thompson <emptynestcohos [at]>

I know that Eastern and Takoma Village in the DC area were "Developer Driven" 

that a Developer found the land FIRST and then recruitment of residents began 
based on that site, with consensus kicking in when there was a meaningful 
of potential residents in assembly.  

I wonder what other forming or finished communities are following that model, 
that we could contact them should we have any questions.  Sally Thompson, 
Empty-Nest Cohousing, DE/PA.


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