Re: Why I live in cohousing
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 18:30:02 -0700 (PDT)
I have a large personal support network just out side my door that manifests
itself daily. Today I needed car oil, and easily found it. Yesterday I
needed a large punch bowl.  A couple weeks ago I needed a friend to help me
make a difficult decision.  And I give at least as much as I get in all
these things and more. And it goes on and on into the past, and also I can
count on it into the future.

I have a marvelous set of people to hang out with as easy as walking
outside, or over to the commonhouse. There will be a fire circle tonight.

I am very comfortable with who I am within this group and they are
comfortable with me as I am.  This sounds simple, it is truly magic. I am
accepted for who I am.  

I get to play with many kids on many levels. My own are now in or moving
towards college but I can still get down in the dirt with a two year old and
marvel at a worm.  Or discuss Plato with a 13 year old. Or attend a play
produced by a grown 23 year old that once lived here who keeps me hip to
what's happening in the city.  And this goes on and on, generations of kids
grow up here.

The security and comfort of being in a place where you are truly known, and
cared about, and where you know everyone else is the bedrock I can stand on
during difficult times. And rejoice with in good times.

I have to go make dinner now so I will truncate my list, It could go on for
many more pages.

Rob Sandelin
17 years at
Sharingwood Cohousing
Snohomish, WA

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