Re: Question about severe emotional distburbance/mentalillness in cohousing
From: James Kacki (
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 13:24:02 -0800 (PST)
I agree. An outside person, (counsellor, mediator, psychologist etc.) that could guide discussions from a neutral unemotional place would probably benefit both sides , taking pressure off both sides. Just one opinion.

On 13-Dec-08, at 9:48 AM, Rob Sandelin wrote:

Everybody affected needs counseling help. I recommend retaining and using an experienced local family counselor to get all the parties together to work through a solution. It will take several sessions, there is unlikely to be a quick fix here, even if the person at the root of all this leaves or dies, but a gradual evolution of understanding can come from those willing
to invest in their relationships. The boy and his parents can benefit
enormously, especially the boy, it may very well save his life.

Rob Sandelin
Snohomish County, WA

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