On line meal system
From: Fred H Olson (fholsoncohousing.org)
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 05:07:10 -0700 (PDT)
Terri Hupfer <terri [at] phch.org>
is the author of the message below.  It was posted by
Fred, the Cohousing-L list manager <fholson [at] cohousing.org>
after deleting quoted digest.
--------------------  FORWARDED MESSAGE FOLLOWS --------------------

Just to piggyback on Tim's comments.... as someone who is currently using
the meal system based on Drupal, just be sure you either have a programmer
in the community to help you with bugs/enhancements once you start, or you
have a budget to pay someone outside the community to do that for you.

Terri Hupfer
Pleasant Hill Cohousing
Bay Area, CA

  • (no other messages in thread)

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