Re: Map of Cohousing Communities
From: Fred H Olson (
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 05:47:56 -0700 (PDT)
Kristin Wells <cbuilderdd [at]>
is the author of the message below.  It was posted by
Fred, the Cohousing-L list manager <fholson [at]>
after deleting excessive quotes.  Please only quote as much
as needed for context.
--------------------  FORWARDED MESSAGE FOLLOWS --------------------

Also, once a community has a site and is built, there would be no more
updating needed by them ever ... since communities don't typically move once
built:) Therefore it's a one-time thing per community, generally speaking. A
couple movements when they update from forming to own site to built
possibly. I think the main challenge would be the initial placement from
communities that have been around awhile and aren't in the marketing/getting
the word out there stage.

Since I've not done the updating for our community, I'm not sure how that
works - so I apologize if this is off base. Is there a way to have this part
of the community info update protocol?

On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 5:42 AM, Ann Zabaldo <zabaldo [at]> wrote:

> In re: self maintaining map -- I'm not an expert at this but it does
> seem that people WOULD do it if there was an occasional reminder.  To
> wit ... I forgot that map even existed.  Just a thought ...
> Best --

Kristin Wells
Daybreak Cohousing, LLC
Kristin [at]

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