Soap box on meeting agenda
From: Lynn Nadeau / Maraiah (
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 10:42:35 -0700 (PDT)

"the agenda, and any additional bits, like check in, consensus training
bits, soap box,
and so on."

What is "soap box" as an agenda item?

When there's time at our business meeting, which is usually, we pre- schedule maybe 10 minutes -- even 5 -- for "Soap Box": Anyone may speak about anything they want to for two minutes. No response, no cross talk, though sometimes someone might respond in person later. Could be anything: I think we should think about having a structure like a yurt for gatherings. I am concerned that the town's new radio station may increase our health risk. We have been forgetting to post hard copy of notes that get emailed around.

There are always a few takers. Allows for a controlled agenda, but still a vent for odds and ends that don't fit into the Announcements item.

Maraiah Lynn Nadeau
RoseWind Cohousing, Port Townsend WA

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