Re: Rental policies? / Adoption & ratification process
From: Kay Wilson Fisk (
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 11:15:33 -0800 (PST)
> Oh, I like this approach.  I can think of lots of situations where
this could apply, not just rental policies.  

Yes, we are starting to use this approach with other issues too. Our
precedent for this is that this is exactly the process our Declaration
specifies for approval of the budget: the board "adopts," and the
community "ratifies." If they fail to ratify the adopted or an amended
budget, the adopted budget stands, and we are not stuck without a
current budget. 

This has worked really well for budgets. This year, we did a survey of
"Needs, Wants, and Wishes." The board gathered cost estimates for the
"needs," then invited anyone who wanted to lobby for any of these to
attend a special budget meeting. As a result, the Board adopted a
budget with a 5% increase to fund most of the "needs." At tonight's
meeting the board will lead a discussion on this budget, and next
month will ask the community to ratify it as adopted or as they choose
to amend it. This should give everyone plenty of time to decide if the
"needs" are worth an increase in monthly assessments.

Meadow Wood cohousing

-----Original Message-----
From: Diana Carroll [mailto:dianaecarroll [at]] 
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 10:50 AM
To: Cohousing-L
Subject: Re: [C-L]_ Rental policies?

Oh, I like this approach.  I can think of lots of situations where
this could apply, not just rental policies.  (We are right now
struggling with fine tuning our processes around board decisions,
including which decisions need to go to the group and under what

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