Standing exclusive-group dinners vs standing community-group dinners
From: OldSol (
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 15:02:01 -0800 (PST)
For what it's worth, a few years ago some of our members had a vegan supper 
 club in which the meal was prepared and served in a private house to the 
limited  number of members.  The event was rotated so that each member had an 
 opportunity to be host & cook.  It seemed to be successful but, for  some 
reason, was discontinued.  
John @ Milagro cohousing, Tucson

- We also host a vegan dinner that was started by community individuals  
who converted to vegan eating and wanted to get together to share recipes and  
sample dishes. This group meets once a month and is open to anyone who is  
willing to bring a vegan potluck dish. It includes both community members 
and  outsiders.

Although there have been people who only attend the small  group dinners in 
general this hasn't had a major impact on the all-community  dinners which 
are often over-crowded. 

Mary Ann
at Manzanita Village  where community members are helping us become more  

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