sales and vacancies - information
From: Liz Ryan Cole (
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 05:21:53 -0800 (PST)
Has anyone ever collected information about resales?  I have seen a couple of 
posts about foreclosures, but what I think would be helpful would be a list of 
all cohousing communities, with a list of how many units are in each one, when 
they unit was first occupied (which I imagine would be at the time the 
community began), how often each unit has been sold (if it isn't still occupied 
by the original owner), and the current status of each unit (e.g. owner 
occupied, rented by owner/rented by the cohousing LLC, on the market). It would 
also be helpful to collect, in the same place the type or organization (e.g. 
condo, coop, etc ) each community has adopted. I see we have had some chatter 
about that recently too.  

The reason I ask is that a local bank (yes Pinnacle Cohousing in Lyme, NH is 
looking at construction loans) has asked us how secure their loans will be.  We 
still have local banks here (yea) and one option they offer is portfolio loans 
(where they not only write the loan, and service it, but they don't sell it on 
the secondary market).

Any guidance would be helpful. If this has never been collected I am open to 
figuring out the best way to collect it and make it available.  thanks


Liz Ryan Cole
lizryancole [at]
Pinnacle CoHousing @ Loch Lyme Lodge
Lyme, NH
Home 802.785.4124
Work 802.831.1240

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