Saving DC from the Congress
From: Thomas Lofft (
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 17:35:11 -0700 (PDT)
Sharon Villines wrote:
[[And as a resident of Washington DC, I would like to ask that all the states 
take back their oligarchs instead of sending them to Washington and expecting 
us to take care of them. We are overrun with all the products of your 
capitalistic election processes. Washington would be a better place if you all 
just stopped voting on who should move here next.
> But I am inclined to agree that cohousing can easily turn insular, isolating 
> itself from the affairs of its neighbors, and the interests of the larger 
> community.
On the other hand, think about what would happen if everyone minded their own 
communities instead of waging war on others. Tended to their neighbors without 
criticizing "those people" across town or around the world.
To be even more insular, if I could just not hurt anyone's feelings today, it 
would be a good day. Even that seems impossible.]]
My suggestion: Every year, move the Congress to another state, while moving the 
Pentagon to yet another. It will be 50 years before they return to DC and 
Arlington which would allow them to become actual habitable communities. 
  • (no other messages in thread)

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