subscribers in moderate mode
From: Fred-List manager (
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 05:43:42 -0700 (PDT)
There is currently a wide spread virus I suspect or some
such that generates spam often with the
 Subject: Fw: News
that only has a URL in the body.
It seems to mostly have hit subscribers.

In an effort to prevent any such spam from getting distributed
by cohousing-L I have put all 68 subscribers with aol addresses
in moderate mode for now.

This will typically cause a delay of their posts till the
next morning.

I urge people to NOT follow the URL in such spam.

If anyone knows more about this virus/spam, I'd be interested in
hearing more (off list).  My search this morning did not yield
anything relevant.

Generally replies to thes message are discouraged.

Fred H Olson, List manager fholson at

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