Bloggers! Content!
From: Catya Belfer (
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 08:11:26 -0700 (PDT)
Hey, now that the new site is up and stable, here's a call for content and

Content:  Sometimes, if you post something here, I'll drop you a note back
asking if I can put it on the site.  Please feel free to ping
me yourself if you read something here or anywhere else that you think
would be good to have on the site!

Bloggers:  If you blog about community, or think you might want to, please
get in touch.  I'd love to add everything from great recipes for 50 to
aging in community to  challenges communities face to sweet cohousing
stories and more.

Policies:  One of the new resources on the site is a policy database.  So
far it includes everything from and about half of what
Laura Fitch and others collected in 2011 (the other half is on my to do
list.)  If your community creates a policy you're proud of or think would
be a good resource for others, please send it to me!

For all of this, you can email me at webmaster [at] , and thank

     - cat

Catya Belfer   -
Technical Director   -
Cohousing in MA -

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