Announcement: Affordable three-bedroom home available at Rocky Corner cohousing, Bethany CT
From: Dick Margulis (
Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 05:53:10 -0700 (PDT)
A new three-bedroom affordable home has become available at Rocky Corner cohousing in Bethany, Connecticut. This home is reserved for a household with income below 80% of area median income (AMI), which ranges from $52,600 for a family of two up to $76,250 for a family of six. Income limits are typically adjusted every year, so these are subject to change. If your income is slightly over the limit, you are still encouraged to apply.

The home will be new, Energy Star construction. The base design is 1,160 square feet, with a cathedral ceiling living room and dining area. The base price for this home is $214,000. The equivalent market price home is $413,000.

Occupancy in 2018. If you feel you might qualify, write to welcome [at] to learn how you can apply for this home and for more details about joining our community.

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