Re: Hire Babysitters?
From: Kathy Tymoczko (
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 11:08:01 -0800 (PST)
We have provided child care for our plenary (all community) meetings and
for workshops when everyone is expected to attend.  We don't provide child
care for team meetings (most teams consist of 4-7 people).  The funds for
child care are requested by the Kids Team during our annual budget
process.  The Kids Team is responsible for arranging child care when
needed.  Sometimes the child care person(s) have been not community
members, and sometimes teenagers who live at Daybreak (and who don't
typically come to plenaries/workshops.

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 8:16 AM, R Philip Dowds <rpdowds [at]> 

> Coho Folks —
> At Cornerstone in Cambridge, MA, we greatly value the maximum
> participation of everybody at our business meetings — most notably our
> monthly plenaries, but also committee meetings as well.  But for our
> numerous families with small children, parental participation is often a
> challenge for both single parent AND two parent households.  Accordingly,
> we’re now looking at proposal to fund babysitters during certain meetings,
> at a total annual cost estimated at $1700 (appx $53 per household).
> My question is:  How do other communities liberate parents for meeting
> participation?  Any details about your version of a babysitting pool?
> Thanks,
> Philip Dowds
> Cornerstone Village Cohousing
> Cambridge, MA
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Kathy Tymoczko
Daybreak Cohousing <>
Portland, Oregon

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