Number of children
From: Beverly Jones Redekop (
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2018 16:44:21 -0700 (PDT)
Hello all --

Here at Groundswell Cohousing at Yarrow Ecovillage, we suspect that we may
have the highest proportion of children of all North American cohousing
projects. Someone suggested that I ask this list to find out :-)

As of the latest baby two months ago and before a family with three kids
move out next month, these are our stats:

*33 homes (sort of 36 due to "the quad"); regular mix of small and large
units (18 small 2-bedrooms)
*47 kids aged 0-16 (24 have at least a small percentage of their custody
elsewhere; I would say 3 are mostly elsewhere, 2 are evenly split, and 19
are mostly here)
*58 adults 19-late 70s

It does feel like a lot of children -- it feels like at least 30 of them,
but since there are actually 47, they must be rather quiet and well-behaved!

Any other child-abundant communities? What is a typical number?

Beverly (mother of three sons ages 6-13)

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