Disinfecting CommonHoouse
From: Ruth J Hirsch (heidinysearthlink.net)
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 06:18:40 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Neighbors Across the Miles!

A couple weeks ago, as this was cascading we, here at Cantines Island, met 
outside in av big circle so we could be 6 ft apart from one another.  We then 
suspended community meals. 
This last week we decided—now via a Zoom mtg—  to lock the CH with the key 
readily available.  Simpler to know the kids aren’t running i & o.  

While this is not happening anytime soon— and so as I write this it is perhaps 
self resolving:  I was asked to see what you might be doing to eventually 
disinfect your CommonHouse.  Of course, as I write it becomes clear that having 
been fallow for weeks there may be no need for concern.  We have all read that 
the virus dies after various times,  all will have elapsed once we re-inhabit.  

That said, two questions:  any other group still thinking abt disinfecting your 
CH when the time comes?
And,have you a recipe for disinfectant,  surface disinfectant using ingredients 
that may still be obtained?
Wishing you and your loved ones Moments of Peace, Joy and Delight,
May it ripple out,
Ruth Hirsch
Cantines Island, Saugerties, NYS

PS:  I have an intermittent e-mail glitch.  If you write and do not hear back 
from me shortly, please call me or please re-send.  Thank you,  Ruth

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