Explorer Roadmap - Financial Planning
From: Pare Gerou (paregerougmail.com)
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 13:13:09 -0800 (PST)
Second time is a charm!

I am seeking a financial advisor recommendation - someone smart who knows
about cohousing.  Our group has several explorers who want to become Equity
members and who need to plan out when to sell their homes or liquidate
assets, whether to apply for bridge loans, etc.  I am creating an Explorer
Roadmap to assist and want to provide a professional planner they can reach
out to.

If your community created such a financial planning roadmap for Explorers,
I would be grateful if you would share it.  Our email address is below.

With Appreciation,
Pare Gerou
GreekVillageCohousing [at] gmail.com


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