Community Conflict Resources
From: MJ Phillips (
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 17:01:33 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all,

One of the ‘hats’ I wear is that of being a student in the conflict resolution 
program at UMass Boston. I’m really interested in conflict 
resolution/prevention/management in residential communities (intentional, 
cohousing,etc), but UMass doesn’t offer any courses on this topic. So I’m 
working on a proposal for an independent study course. Especially those of you 
who are facilitators, but also anyone who is living in community, I’d love to 
know of any books, student theses or other research, web talks, training 
manuals, or other resources you might recommend (related to conflict or 
managing conflict in residential communities, however tangential it may seem). 
I’d also be happy to hear from you or talk to anyone in person about topic 
areas you think would be important to include, etc. (I’m hoping to base the 
course around the online courses Laird Schaub is offering in the coming months, 
but I need to supplement that material with other reading, sources, topics, and 
thinkers/authors.) Feel free to respond here, or to use my email/phone below. 

Thanks very much!

Jaffy  (an aspiring community member)

Jaffy Phillips
mjphillips [at]
781-899-3985 (It’s a landline, so texts won’t arrive)

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