coho wiki press info
From: debbie behrens (
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 15:27:25 -0700 (PDT)
Fred, Andrew

I've passed on to Raines an Excel list of ~800 press articles and ~100 books/theses to put into a Wiki format for the site. Think about where on the wiki pages you might want the list (perhaps as sections 3 [press] and 4 [books], after non-legal docs??).

I'm not sure how long it will take Raines to format the info. (How difficult would it be to make the list re-sortable by any of date, source, title, author, etc, as the reader wished??)

We also have the text of many of the articles, but we would need permissions from the sources before we could actually post the text. That also is more work than I think I could take on by myself. After we have the list in place, I'll probably put out a request on coho-L for volunteers to help with that piece, and maybe a request for funds from the coho network, in case any of the permissions cost $$.

Would either of you like a CD of the information, to be a spare temp archive for me?
If so, send me your snail mail addresses.

thanks for the wiki,

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