Re: Why doesn't cohousing get more national news coverage?
From: Jim Snyder-Grant (
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 94 12:35 CST
Munn Heydorn asks: 

>Is there a single, coherent, effective PR voice for cohousing?

No, and I think that is one of the saving *strengths* of cohousing now. It's 
proceeding in parallel in many places at once.  Each cohousing adventure is 
proceeding with its own vernacular goals & styles & messages. Each will succeed 
or fail in their own unique way, and we can learn from each other. At the risk 
of apppearing out of style for this particular forum, I care much more about 
the sucess of my particular cohousing group -- New Vew -- than the success of 
'the movement'. Sure, I realize that there is a relationship between the two, 
but I'm not out here to create a revolution or even to create a great reform 
movement. I'm out here to create a neighbohood to live & grow in. Sometimes, 
the feeling of 'specialness' that comes from increased media coverage is a pain 
& even a hindrance to getting the work of community done. 

This is NOT meant as any criticism of anything anyone has said. I just wanted 
to question the idea that increased media coverage is a good thing. We are 
already doubling the number of cohousing communities that are open each year in 
North America (about 32 in 1994, I think). That may be as fast as we can 
successfully absorb lessons from each other, and will be TOO FAST in a few 
years if the doubling keeps happening.

-Jim Snyder-Grant
Jim_Snyder-Grant [at]

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