Re: cohousing for children w
From: Karen Frayne (Karen.FrayneSONOMA.EDU)
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 95 18:32 CST
        Reply to:   RE>cohousing for children with disab
Wow;  cohousing for kids with disabilities?  What a neat idea!  I work thru a
government grant program to help University students, about 1/3 of whom are
disabled, mainly learning disabilities.  I teach math and we have a learning
center......What we strive for, in my department, is to create a community
for students with various needs.  I'm a spy on the coho list, looking for
insights into community building.  I could picture a few professionals living
and working in the cohousing units, while some are brought in from outside,
such as counsellors, who should not be living with their counsellees.  Good
luck to you!!  Karen Frayne

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