From: Shava Nerad (
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 12:54:03 -0500
Are any of the communities out there incorporated in such a way that they
can write grants for funding?  We're considering chartering our coho 
community as an educational center for environmental/appropriate tech
issues, having a formal mini-conference center and dormitory, and 
creating a village of electronic cottages, wired up for Internet, and 
running on a combination of alternative energy tech, and demonstrating
sustainable ag tech.  Someone must have thought of this before...  I 
know that there are intentional communities in this area, but not coho
arrangements, that do this kind of thing, but I don't know if they got
grants for it...

Shava Nerad
shava [at]
  • grants Shava Nerad, August 22 1995
    • RE: grants Legal-All Lawyers, August 23 1995
    • Grants Amy Cervantes, August 25 2002
    • Re: Grants DWeil20688, August 26 2002
    • Grants Catya Belfer-Shevett, January 3 2005

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