Bread & Puppet Theatre
From: Harry Pasternak (
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 14:22:55 -0500
Any of you all, attending the Bread & Puppet Theatre festival this weekend
near Barton Vermont?

Thirty thousand folks, of all ages, shapes and sizes, usually attend-many
camping nearby the natural ampi-theatre (sp?) at the farm--no charge for
festival, donations appreciated--local adjacent farms charge $15 camping per

The festival includes thirty puppet productions- simultaneously going on
during the day-every stops at four pm, with two major productions happening
at the ampi-theatre, literally a cast of hundreds--the puppets are rather
large-some puppets heads can be thirty feet high! with bodies 300 feet
long--it's all amazing, totally volunteer run.

I'll be attending with my daughter Natasha, so if anyone is interested in
connecting there, drop me an email, Harry_Pasternak [at],Internet.

I'll be leaving Thursday around lunch, stopping at Goddard College, on the


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