Re: Political diversity - Confession
From: Tony G. Rocco (
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 01:43:32 -0500
I would like to say a word about political diversity in cohousing. And 
make a confession that I guess could get me thrown off this list.

Some months ago, shortly after I joined the list, I got irritated with a lot of 
the political neo-marxist stuff I was hearing. So, one night I had had a 
couple of beers and I was playing around online when I thought I would 
find out something about how committed cohousing people are to a 
neo-marxist, collectivist ideology.

I posted a message claiming to be a wealthy, hard-working yuppie with a 
Mercedes Benz, large wine collection, and generally opulent lifestyle. I 
asked if my wealth would preclude me from joining a cohousing 
community, something I, in fact, would like to do.

I got thoughtful responses from some people, of course, but I was 
surprised at the amount of hostility I got from many others. I had one 
gentlemen from a cohousing community in Arizona tell me I should 
have my ass kicked. I got people calling me names like "Mr. money bags," 
and telling me that they wouldn't want their kids growing up near me. 
Someone told me that they had left the San Francisco Bay Area because of 
people like me.

Don't let anyone fool you. There is a strong ideological taint to most 
cohousing communities, which may or may not be to your liking. They 
aren't comprised of just people who want to get together to enjoy a more 
community-oriented way of life. Apparantly, as my little experiment 
showed, if you work hard and reap the fruits of your labors, you might 
well be persona non grata in some cohousing communities.

Sorry if my little hoax offends anyone. I admit it wasn't the most honest 
thing I have ever done. But it was interesting and informative 


Tony G. Rocco

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