RE: Bicycles
From: Tom Lent (
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 19:14:30 -0500
We have more like one and one half per household. Some are stored in a
common shed :), some in houses :(. We hope to expand the capacity and access
in our common shed soon by using bike hooks to hang them up by their front
wheels against a wall.   

Tom Lent - Berkeley Cohousing     
Tom Lent * 2220 Sacramento St * Berkeley, CA 94702-1907
           email: tlent [at] * phone: 510/845-5243

  • Bicycles MartyR707, September 30 1996
    • Re: Bicycles Stuart Staniford-Chen, September 30 1996
    • RE: Bicycles Tom Lent, October 2 1996

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