Trust vs. liability
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 08:22:08 -0600
There is an interesting fine line that develops when people have to start 
putting in scads of unprotected, risk money. On one hand you need a great deal 
of trust and faith in order to get to this point. Without that trust you will 
not succeed. On the other hand is the very real fear of: "What if this all 
goes down the tubes and I lose my money?

In my opinion, the best thing to do is to talk about the fears, examine them 
closely and understand and embrace them. Doing so will build group trust. 
Sweeping them under the rug, or ridiculing them, is the worse thing to do, for 
this does not build trust, it builds alienation. 

For a long time, the primary threads in your community fabric will be hope, 
faith and trust. Weave them together well.

Rob Sandelin

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