1st Meeting Jitters
From: Chris/Meri-Kate Holt (holtsmnsi.net)
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 14:34:39 -0600
Good day All!

I have a question which almost ALL of you can answer! This saturday an
article will be printed in the local newspaper (front page of the Saturday
"Homes" Section, I might add) regarding the future cohousing community I
would like to see in my city. We (the reporter, cameraman and myself) went
out to Sunward Cohousing of Ann Arbor (thanks again!!!!!!!!!) to conduct
the interview, as it is the closest development to home. (I'm babbling, so
I'll just get on with it) It should promise to be a good article.

The question being, I have never conducted a meeting before! Nick from
Sunward is giving me a ton of advise, but I was wondering if anyone else
out there had any more to give me! 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Chris Holt
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
holts [at] mnsi.net
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