Doing it without a developer
From: Joani Blank (
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 02:55:59 -0500
You and the other RoseWinders are something else. I love it when groups go
against the common wisdom and succeed anyway. But let other new groups
beware. For one thing, it sounds like you had at least one adult without a
nine-to five-job so that he/she could spend time with the City Planning and
Building people. Secondly, most cohousing groups seem to prefer building
clustered housing rather than using the lot development model, or, if using
the lot development are not permitted (either by their city or by group
consensus) to build whatever they want on their lot. So a lot more group
unit planning efforts are required. Third, it is quite unusual to have such
a thoroughly cooperative and supportive Planning and Building Department.

Joani Blank

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