Re: Guest Rooms
From: Bitner/Stevenson (
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 20:19:56 -0600
Liz Stevenson
Southside Park Cohousing

>From: Yorick Paine <Yorick [at]>
 Guest Rooms in the common
> house:
> - Are they a useful addition to the CH?
> - What ratio of guest rooms to size of community?
> - Do they have other uses?
We don't have any guest rooms and, so far, haven't missed having one very
much. We've always had people who could accommodate others' relatives. Often
during the summer, we'll have guests of one person house-sit for those who
are away on vacation.
This is not to say that a guest room mightn't have been handy on occasion,
but if you look at what it costs to build one, it didn't make economic sense
for us.
There is another reason not to have a guest room; people with especially
unpleasant relatives can send them to a hotel without appearing
inhospitable, since our homes are so small.

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