Cohousing in Berkeley?
From: Jennii Larsen (
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 12:55:30 -0700 (MST)

I am a cohousing hopeful.I will be visiting Berkeley, CA on Sunday, Feb.
27, and I was wondering if any of the groups in the area would be willing
to give me a tour.

I probably won't be involved in cohousing for several years, but I'd
wanted to personally see what it's like, so I can start think
realistically about joining a cohousing community. I hope to live on the
west coast once I get out of grad school (I haven't even started yet...),
and I am especially interested in the bay area, which I know is extremely
expensive. There have already been lots of great comments on cohousing and
economics, but I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts on making cohousing a
reality in (prohibitively) expensive areas.

Thanks, Jennii

Oh, and I've really enjoyed the list-serve, even though I don't get time
to read it all.

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