RE: Cohousing failures
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 10:14:28 -0700 (MST)
There has not been any site development failure of a cohousing project that
I know of. Once the site development works starts, the groups have all come
through. I assume the issues the town has is extending utilities, roads, and
the costs of those being dropped if the group organization disbands or goes

A questions you might ask about this, if it is a blocking concern of the
town, would be: Has there been other developers that have done this
recently? (Is this a real problem, or just a bogus issue covering up the
fact that you don't like this idea)  What were the consequences to the
town,(If this actually happened, what was the exact problems it caused)  How
can we ensure those consequences don't repeat with our project? (We are
willing to work with you on this to ensure your concerns do not happen)

Rob Sandelin
Northwest Intentional Communities Association
Building a better society, one neighborhood at a time

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