Re: Free copy of Communities Magazine featuring Cohousing
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 08:13:08 -0700 (MST)
> A plan has been hatched, and funds have been located, to send a free copy of
> the cohousing focus issue of communities magazine to EVERY cohousing group.
> Now the difficulty is figuring out where to send it to.  The Cohousing
> Company gratiously gave me a copy of their latest list and I find many
> groups do not have a mailing address listed.

This is a major problem. I found the same thing when I tried to send
Synergy's newsletter to all the communities. I believed that the best
referrals would come from other cohousers who knew people who wanted to move
to Florida but I had no way to send them information.

it also raises the issue of an address for the commonhouse. Do communities
have a common address?

Sharon Villines, Butler
The MacGuffin Guide to Mystery Fiction
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington, DC

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