Re: Use of Email in Group Decision Making
From: Eris Weaver (
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 17:02:46 -0700 (MST)
> Rather than using e-mail per se, why not set up a group webpage, with a 
> forum page accessible to members? It would keep e-mailings from getting 
> lost, and would also allow for commentary and consensus. There is also 
> polling software available online as shareware...

I would be concerned about security and privacy.  Our group does have a
website and posts our minutes, but we edit them to keep "sensitive"
information private.

> >Have any cohousing groups developed methods for decision
> >making by email?  (Particularly groups who have not yet moved in
> >to cohousing.)

Our group uses email quite a lot; however, as we gain new members that may
change if there are some that are not as "networked" as the rest of us.
We do make some minor, routine decisions via email.  For important
decisions that must be made FAST, we use a combination of email and
telephone to make sure that nobody's left out.  However, we are still
small, with fewer than ten full member households.


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