Community building in existing communities
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 18:03:21 -0700 (MST)
Maggi asked the question that currently defines my life work: How can we
support and encourage the same level of community bonding and trust for
people who are moving into cohousing communities that are already built?

This is, in my opinion, the key question of sustainability. If you can
continue to build relationships, surf through the conflicts, do things for
each  other to show that you care about each other, then your community, of
whatever kind, will sustain itself. So what are the actions that build
community bonding and trust? This is a great topic to brainstorm within your
group at a retreat setting. Each group will find its own answers, the key,
is to ask the question.

Rob Sandelin
Community Works! Consensus process and Community building workshops for
social change non-profit groups
10 year resident of Sharingwood Cohousing

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