RE: the service animal discussion
From: Ruddick, T.R. (
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 11:33:01 -0700 (MST)
We've had an interesting moment here regarding whether this is a good
discussion or not...

>> It is great to see a thoughtful discussion of issues relating to service 
>> animals. I hope this will start an honest look  attitudes and  values
>> the community regarding the disabled and promote better understanding. .

>> There are enough places in the world where disabled people meed 
>> misunderstanding, discrimination and intolerance and they certainly do
>> need it in their home community. I would hope that every co housing
>> facing this consideration give some thought to understanding the the need
>> the disabled persons includes access with service animals in all common 
>> areas. 
>Thanks for putting this so well, Alicia!
>       - catya

Yet Alicia started her contribution with the following:

>Banning service dogs, or in any way making them unwelcome by making it even

>an issue for discussion, is in my perspective, very unaccepting and 

I find this somewhat contradictory, and I wonder if Alicia would clarify the
disctinction between welcome and unwelcoming discussion?

Personally, I favor free and open discussion.  The people with disabilities
I've known also have been in favor of open discussion; my understanding is
that they felt it was much preferable to talk things over and explain their
needs than to cope with ignorance.

Also, like most people, my friends enjoy talking about themselves :-)  

So why would raising a question be condemnable--especially when it's an
attempt to find the balance between accomodating the health needs of the
allergic with the help needs of the blind?
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