RE: shared work agreements in cohousing communities
From: Rachael Shapiro (
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 04:57:38 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks so much! Next question is : what do you do about the folks who do not even do a minimum? Rachael


Rob wrote:
I would add this question to the mix: Are
you happy and content with your contributions to the community?

Rob is wise as usual--or at least i agree with him!

When my community first started we were fortunate enough to stumble upon a basic set of principles for work that have served us extremely well over the years in my opinion.

#1: We expect people will do different amounts of work. Expecting everyone to do the same amount is unrealistic, it's just not how humyns operate. Acknowledging this openly has saved us loads of upset and resentment.
#2: Everyone does at least a minimum.
#3: If you are doing more than you want to, do less.

As long as all the important work gets covered and everyone is content, we do not worry about differences in contribution level.

Somehow the main stuff we need gets done. Sometimes things do fall through the cracks (read: get done more slowly than i personally would prefer, or don't get done even though i wish someone would do it), but that's life no matter what system you set up.

Recently i committed to limiting my hours of community work to less than 10 per week. I'd say our average here is about 8 hours/week, and the lowest contributor probably does about 5. (I live in a 9-person urban group house where we share 5 dinners per week, it's not cohousing.) Previously i'd been doing more like 15 hours/week, and i got burned out. My community-mates have been supportive of my new commitment. The one thing they insisted on is that i continue to attend our weekly house meetings, which for me as a process junkie was a great affirmation that i am living in the right place!




Tree Bressen
1680 Walnut St.
Eugene, OR 97403
(541) 484-1156
tree [at]

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