Re: shared work agreements in cohousing communities
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 11:55:26 -0700 (PDT)

On May 20, 2004, at 2:26 PM, Tree Bressen wrote:

>Aye, there's the rub. If one person is doing an average of 20 hours (per
month) and another is doing less than 1 hour (per month), that's a
circumstance that could lead to worry and discontent.

Yes. I don't personally mind doing 2x as much as the lowest contributor, but 3x was too much for me, at least after the past year or two.

This is an interesting way to look at work commitments that might work for a lot of people. 2X is fine but 3X is too much. Some people will always do more because they care more or the tasks suit them more or whatever. But the community can't exist without a minimal number of economic contributors so there will always be a range that is wider than can be filled by people who agree to do equal amounts of work. It's also too hard to determine "equal" but 2X and 3X have a feeling level that might work well.

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

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