Insurance problems with common facilities?
From: Bob Leigh (
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 08:40:23 -0800 (PST)
I live in Cornerstone Village Cohousing in Cambridge, Mass.  The insurance
company which provides our master insurance policy has decided to cancel
the policy because we have an "unattended daycare" (the kids room),
a wood shop with power tools, and a snow blower which we operate ourselves.
We've had our management company looking for other insurers for a couple
of weeks with no positive results.

First of all, what insurance companies do other cohousing communities use?
(Please email me privately if you only have time to reply with that info.)

Have any of you in other communities had similar problems finding insurance,
and how have you solved them?

Many thanks!

Bob Leigh       coho [at]

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