ithaca eco-villiage car-share
From: Daniel Dunbar (
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 10:53:32 -0800 (PST)
hello everyone,

my name is daniel dunbar. i am a student at ithaca college, ny and i am
currently working with my local eco-villiage to try to create a
car-sharing program. there is much that needs to be done in order to make
this idea a reality, and we are still searching for the tools that will
make it possible.
   If any of you on the list-serv are members of a car-share i am
requesting that you please contact me with any helpful information. is
your car-sharing program popular? if you have one in your community how
is it financed? what kind of insurance does the car-share use? are
there any methods you used to promote and educate other members of the
community about the car-share to get them enthusiastic about joining???
i thank you for any help or advice you can offer. i hope to hear from

-daniel dunbar

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