Re: CID assessments paying for social events
From: Dave and Diane (
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 04:33:33 -0800 (PST)
Hi Norm,
It helps if you put this in your bylaws--that way people can't claim they missed it. Attorneys always ask for a copy of the Master Deed, Bylaws, and Rules and Regs. Our bylaws specifically mention cohousing and the purpose thereof.

JP COHOUSING  617-522-2209



Section 2.1. General Purposes as Defined in the Act

All of the rights and powers in and with respect to the common areas and facilities of the Condominium which are by virtue of provisions of the Act, conferred upon or exercisable by the organization of Unit Owners of the Condominium, and all property, real and personal, tangible and intangible, conveyed to the Association hereunder shall vest in the members of the Association as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, to exercise, manage, administer and dispose of the same and to receive the income therefrom for the benefit of the Unit Owners, according to the schedule of undivided beneficial interests set forth in the Master Deed.

Section 2.2. Goals of the Association.

In addition to those other purposes set forth herein, the Association shall strive to further the cohousing goals of the Association and shall attempt to work towards the vision described below:

We, the members of Jamaica Plain Cohousing, are committed to a mixed-income, multigenerational neighborhood. We will seek a location that is within walking distance to public transportation and near other urban amenities, such as schools, shopping, restaurants, places of worship and cultural attractions. We will build a small housing development designed to create a balance of community and privacy, by arranging private, self- sufficient homes around a community building or "common house" with shared resources. Our community will be planned, designed and managed by the members.

We will make all decisions that affect the group by using a consensus process, which ensures that all members accept a decision. We are committed to resolving conflicts, problems and issues through honest, direct and respectful communication.

We will actively sustain our community with ongoing responsibilities for its management, by pooling our labor and by sharing chores. We will strive to work cooperatively for mutual benefit, while respecting one's autonomy and the privacy of one's home.

We are dedicated to fostering relationships that are positive and emotionally supportive for children and adults. We pledge to act with fairness and integrity, thus building trust and personal growth.

We will aim to be part of the larger Jamaica Plain community by participating in neighborhood events and local governmental and social issues. We have a strong commitment to conserve our natural resources through environmentally sound construction, energy conservation, recycling and reducing consumption by sharing materials.

We will strive to create green spaces and public gardens for people to gather in a quiet and relaxing environment.

We will strive to design an environment that promotes physical and emotional health and the safety and security of all its members.

We will support children's education and development by creating spaces where they may play and learn.

All common areas and as many individual units as possible will be accessible to people with disabilities.

We value diversity and welcome people from all classes, races, cultures, sexual orientations, and traditional and non-traditional families.

We will work to the best of our ability to make our community affordable to anyone who wishes to join and share in our goals and values.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
On Monday, November 7, 2005, at 05:40 PM, "OCC11NG" <normangauss [at]> wrote:

When an owner agrees to the financial obligations of an ordinary HOA, there usually is no expectation that social programs will be an integral part of
the experience of living in the development.

Can somebody clear this up for me?

Norm Gauss

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