Rubber Mulch {Was Pea gravel "pit" around playstructure]
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 05:20:24 -0700 (PDT)
Some of the mulch sold is very small -- 5/8 of an inch. I would recommend larger chips, more like pieces of bark. Ours is 3-4 times that size. It is less likely to be tracked about in shoe treads or to float away in the rain. Ours, as I mentioned before, is Treadspread -- playground quality.

If you have a large area, you can find suppliers for school playgrounds who will bring in a truck and back right up to your space and dump it. Very easy to spread from there. We had a whole bunch of bags delivered on palettes, formed a chain to pass the bags to the tot lot, and spread each bag of stuff. It only took an hour or so. Preparation is digging down 4 inches (or 12 for big kid stuff) and putting out weed cloth.

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

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