Re: Fair housing laws
From: Stuart Joseph (
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 07:40:47 -0700 (PDT)

Marganne wrote:
At 8:33 PM -0400 7/1/07, Elizabeth Magill wrote:

Thank you for posting the exact restrictions that exist. I've often wondered how people accomplished restricting their cohousing project to any particular belief or characteristic other than age 55. Has there been problems with projects that were, only for example, Christian, or Gay and Lesbian, or all men or all women? I've read that in the process of being considered for membership, these kinds of things usually reconcile themselves. But, if push came to shove, I thought the fair housing laws would prevail. Just curious.
Some of those would be self-selecting in spite of the Fair Housing laws. If someone were intolerant of Gays and lesbians, they would not consider living in a community of them. the same would hold true about an agnostic or atheist would not move into a community of devout Christians.

I do wonder how the NYC condos/Co-op boards get to pick and choose who buys into their organization.
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Stuart Joseph, 802-463-1954
Project Director
Caer Coburn, a traditional village based upon cohousing  and intentional 
communities in
Rockingham, Vermont, USA
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36 Front St.
Bellows Falls, VT 05101 USA

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