Re: Consensus Workshop Jan 25-27, Asheville
From: Ellen Keyne Seebacher (
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 11:14:44 -0800 (PST)
(Unsolicited comment follows...)

> I am putting together a workshop on Consensus and Group Process
> facilitated by Laird Schaub, known to many of you as a friend,
> consultant to cohousing communities (including Westwood Cohousing),
> teacher of facilitation, and auctioneer (at the Cohousing
> conference).
> We would love to have participants from other cohousing communities. 

I first encountered Laird Schaub last month when I attended a workshop
he did for Mosaic Commons.  He is the single best workshop facilitator
I've seen in many years, and perhaps ever.  I highly recommend signing
up for a workshop with him, if you have the chance!

        Ellen Seebacher

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