Building in rental capacity
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 09:04:09 -0800 (PST)
In design phase it is possible to design a separate space in a unit as a
future rental apartment by adding some plumbing stems for a kitchen and
setting up the bathrooms correctly. In upstairs, downstairs loft type
designs it is easy to design one floor as a separate apartment. You do not
have to actually build the apartment at build out time, but can do so later
if desired. I have had a kitchen plumbing stem in my basement for 17 years
in case I ever want to build an apartment there. The extra cost for the
plumbing was trivial.  In this way owners can build in some rental spaces
within the community, allowing for extra income and also allowing those who
can not qualify for a mortgage to have their own space within the community.

At Sharingwood renters are not second class citizens and serve on the board
and participate fully in all our activities and decisions.  We hold one vote
a year, which is to approve the budget and while only owners can vote, all
the decision making up to that vote is open to all.

I have visited a couple of cohousing groups which have incorporated rental
apartments within units and it seems to work out just fine.

Rob Sandelin
Sharingwood which has 9 rentals in 26 homes.

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