Re: Thirty-one matching ceramic dinner plates free to a cohousing community or group
From: Craig Ragland (
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:26:29 -0700 (PDT)
I really like this idea! What are your thoughts about a "Free" section of
the Cohousing Website Classified Ads?

Since our new launch in January, the usage of this section has skyrocketed
and we're getting excellent feedback - mostly when people sell units, but
people are also discovering groups here, etc.

Joani's offer could serve as a model - anybody could offer Free Stuff to any
cohousing community. In the spirit of this, Coho/US could let you submit
into this category for Free, i.e., No Charge.

I'd welcome thoughts on this... would you consider using it?

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 9:31 PM, Joani Blank <joani [at]> wrote:

> My cohousing community (Swan's Market Cohousing in Oakland, CA) just
> bought ourselves four dozen sets of Corel dishware and we are seeking
> a cohousing group or community that would like to have our old dinner
> plates for the cost of shipping them to you.  They are full size
> dinner plates 10 1/2 inches in diameter.  The are white, heavy duty
> ceramic....yes breakable, but pretty tough compared to another set we
> had from IKEA. None are chipped. I think these came from a restaurant
> supply place.
> As I said above you can have the dishes for free, but you'll have to
> pay the shipping costs from Northern CA (Oakland). Each plate weighs
> about 1.33 pounds...I told you they are heavy...and there are thirty
> one of them.....Of course, if you are reasonably nearby and want to
> come and pick them up, they'll be really, really free.
> Joani Blank
> 510-834-7399

Craig Ragland

Coho/US executive director
craig [at]

New Earth Song project manager
craig [at]

Songaia Cohousing member
craig [at]

Please try email first, include your phone number (w/time zone) - or give me
a call: 425-487-3550 (Pacific)... communicate!

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