Cohousing and local neighborhood
From: Naoko Inami (
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 09:16:06 -0700 (PDT)
Hi! My name is Naoko Inami, a graduate student of Osaka University in Japan.I 
have been interested in Cohousing and have been researching it for 4 years.I am 
sending this message to ask a question about cohousing,especially the 
relationship between cohousing and neighborhoods(I mean "local area," not the 
neighbors within a cohousing community).Are there any cohousings that actively 
work with their neighborhood to improve the larger community? 
I heard that some communities, like Songaia Cohousing (Bothell, WA),
Doyle Street Cohousing (Emeryville, CA),Los Angeles EcoVillage, 
Hearthstone Cohousing (Denver, CO), and Swan's Market Cohousing members 
(Oakland, CA),
are working together with their neighborhood.
So, I apprecitate if I can know some other communities that provide space for 
political organizing
or other non-governmental organizations/nonprofits where members are involved.
Thank you very much for your help.Regards,
Naoko Inami
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