Re: Work or Pay Systems
From: Jenny Guy (
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 18:12:56 -0700 (PDT)
How do you determine if a task is high value?  We are debating exactly this
in our community, whether to require a certain number of hours, or a certain
number of tasks, some of which would be quick but "high value".  I'm
concerned that this would mean some people's time is seen as more valuable,
since not everyone would have the aptitude to do certain high-value tasks.
On the other hand, we could put a high value on anything that people didn't
want to sign up for....  and I agree that it would be easier to keep track

What do people think of hours-based vs. task-based work requirements?

North Oakland Cohousing, Calif.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 2:02 PM, John Faust <wjfaust [at]> wrote:

> Once you have those task details, then you don't have to rely on
> hours-reporting--each task has a value. Someone either does the task
> (adequately) or they don't. The tasks can be rotated if necessary to allow
> everyone the opportunity to do the high-value, low-hour tasks if they can
> do
> them. Members would sign up for all the tasks they are willing and able to
> do. All of those wanting to do Task A will get a chance to do it. Honesty
> in
> reporting hours becomes irrelevant. To make sure everyone can do their fair
> share, some of the tasks (e.g., sweeping walkways, raking leaves, cleaning
> up the parking areas, inspecting facilities) can be divided into some
> number
> of identical tasks.
> Adequacy can be measured in terms of complaints. A complaint wouldn't be
> relevant until the task deadline has passed. After that, a complaint is
> relevant. If a member accumulates too many complaints (from other than
> sworn
> enemies) then some kind of correction needs to be applied. Some tasks might
> not be visible (e.g., inspections). Those would require reports and
> checklists. At some point, trust will have to play a role.
> In any case, dealing at the task level takes tracking hours (honestly or
> otherwise) out of the equation.
> John Faust
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