Re: Economic Crisis - Transition Towns
From: Carol Singleton (
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 20:10:53 -0700 (PDT)
Thank you, Luk, for your reference to Transition Towns.  One of the members
of our cohousing community brought the concept to a Sustainability Group
which meets here twice a month. He is quite involved as are many other
Central Coast Californians are working very hard on the concept for our
central coast area.  Our cohousing community is not actively sponsoring him
in any way, but many members of the OCC community are involved in some way.
For those of you interested in Transition Towns, there is a nice summary of
them in one of our local newspapers - Hope Dance - and also an excellent
summary in a recent article in The Christian Science Monitor.  There are
currently three towns in the USA that are official Transition Towns -
Boulder, CO; Sandpoint, ID, and Ketchum, ID.



Carol Singleton

Oak Creek Commons

Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County, California




> Gerald Manata wrote :

> One of the many fantasies I had about a movement like cohousing was 

> that, once it got big enough, we could start creating our own 

> industries, employing our own people, engaging in inter-community 

> trade, with our own banking system and our own money.




I dont believe you have to live in cohousing for starting initiatives like
this, but it might be easier to do so, to make it more effective and to
sustain the efforts.


Take a look at : It tells how local
communities can make the difference in this changing world.


This is not why people came living in cohousing, so it cannot be a necessary
part of cohousing communities, just like not all cohousing members are
practicing car-sharing for instance.

But it could be a nice contribution to society.


Kind regards,

Luk Jonckheere

Cohousing La Grande Cense, Belgium





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